Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator Report & Debrief

Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator Report & Debrief

🔷 The Maxwell Method of DISC will help you achieve greater success when you value your strengths and those of others. 
🔷 Everyone you encounter is motivated differently, communicates differently, and views tasks and relationships differently.  
The fastest way to improve your company’s results is to make sure you have the right people in the right roles. THE MAXWELL DISC PERSONALITY INDICATOR REPORT will help you develop a winning team! - Client takes report online and reads report.
☑️  One 60 min. session set to debrief and discuss report.
◾️  This life changing, online, 31-page Personality Indicator Report provides     you with detailed information on your behavior style, communication style, work style, strength style and more! 
◾️  The easy to read and easy to apply information will help you to better communicate with others, set clearer goals and priorities, determine which strengths to build upon, and provide focus for more intentional future growth. 
◾️ The information will help you in the areas of relationships, communication, home life, social settings, professional life, and personal awareness and growth.